Caffeine and Rainbows!
I thought the descovery of caffeine in my cup many years ago was literllay ground breaking, but here's something new and cool - rainbows!
Here at Piggy Back Cafe just off of the Centenary Highway, Jindalee you'll not only find healthy portions of your eggs on toast, but the most gorgeous cup of heaven, 'Rainbow Coffee Art'.
The coffee shot is served to you on the side of your cup with the most spectacular swan displayed in the hot white milk. They ask you to add a flavouring as this helps with the rainbow art structure. It all sounds quiet complicated, but all in all its just the prettiest coffee art I think I've ever seen, and worth a visit - even if you dont like coffee .... dont add the coffee shot and just drink the sweet milk with the swan!
Pricing | $6.00
Forks out of 5 | # # # #
Address | 86 Curragundi Road, Jindalee